Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Do List while on Pitcairn

1. Eat. As much Pitcairn weckle (Pitcairn word for food) as humanly possible – and believe me, that’s a lot! Please stay tuned, I will be posting updates as I consume and remember to document these delicious ‘projects’

2. Fish. Rock fishing here is a lot of fun. The tropical rock fish here come in many colours, sizes and flavours. One of these days, if I’m feeling brave, I may even head out in one of the boats for a fish or two. The second part of the fun is in the consuming (please see to do item 1…)

3. Swim. Something I plan on doing everyday where possible.

4. Tourist stuff. Looking around, taking photos, soaking in the greenery. Pitcairn Island is one of the most beautiful places around. Yes I am biased, but others do agree.

5. Craft work. As previously mentioned, people here make the bulk of their income by making wooden curios (in many shapes and forms), weaving baskets and other such activities. I am going to help out where I can, get in the way where I can’t and just try stuff in general.

6. Blog. To keep all of you fine readers up to date with my adventures!

7. Relax. I am on holidays after all…

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