Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saga Ruby

Last day on Easter Island. Wondering out of the hotel room and turning towards the water gave me a view of the next leg of my trip, aboard the cruise ship Saga Ruby.

I was getting picked up at 11.30am to be taken to the jetty. That gave me just enough time to try and spend some of my leftover pesos on pressies.

At the jetty were the tenders to take us out to the ship, quite a few of the elderly passengers and the 4 other people heading to Pitcairn with me. After dealing with the formalities like passports etc, we boarded the tender and headed out to the ship.

The Saga Ruby is an English cruise ship that caters for the over 50’s. Funny story, as we were boarding, the lady with our passports signing us in confused us as the entertainment. In fact, I was to spend the rest of the journey being mistaken for one of the Spanish dancers. No, I don’t dance the flamenco and no, I don’t speak Spanish.

The rest of the afternoon was spent looking around the ship, getting familiar with our surroundings and dining on the amazing variety of food on offer. Two days of travel until we reach Pitcairn.

As we pulled away from Easter Island I felt quite sad to be leaving. Easter Island was wonderful, the people extremely friendly and welcoming. Thanks for a great time Rapa Nui!

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