Wednesday, February 17, 2010


My Dad dad.

Known as ‘Len’ to the general population, ‘Dad’ to his kids, ‘Dad dad’ to his grandkids, and ‘Grumpy old bugger’ to a few. Dad dad is a master carver, carpenter and fisherman extraordinaire, among other things

He’s the man that the ‘youngsters’ take fishing because he knows all the good spots (and can always be relied on to catch enough for dinner). He’s the man you turn to when you need those odd jobs done around the house, ie showers installed, things fixed. He’s the man who has gotten making wooden carvings down to a fine art to the point where he can take hunk of wood and turn it into a magnificent carving within hours! Here's one thats not quite finished yet.

Our house down in Bobs Walley (Pitcairners pronounce most “V’s” as “W’s”) is a large four bedroom family home that used to house many. Over the years, as the kids grew up, moved away, Nana passed away, it got to the point were there was only Dad dad left. Now (for this month at least) it’s the two of us down here in the old house. Layers of dust years deep coat most surfaces and I’m sure the last person to wash the walls was me when I was last here years ago. Needless to say I’ve found myself wondering down memory lane on many an occasion being back in my childhood house. Check out the huge banyon tree I used to spend hours climbing in. You could get lost in the middle of it!

At 83 years of age, Dad dad is one my main reasons for going to such lengths and expense for this visit. For those who may not know, I was bought up on Pitcairn by Dad dad and my late Nana. I’ve always had a special spot for the old man and have heard via the grapevine that he’s been very excited having me here. Its taken a few days to find our rhythm living together. He’s not used to having someone else in the house, and I’m still learning his routine (which involves constant carving, frequent fishing trips and no real downtime – yes, all this at 83!)

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this introduction, at least now you’ll know who I’m talking about!

1 comment:

  1. A fabulous intro - you've painted an amazing picture Nellie.
